Tag: Cloud Computing

Dropbox extensions to make your life easier

Dropbox extensions to make your life easier

I just recently read a post from a favorite blog of mine by Vladan about some right click enhancements he uses with Dropbox.  Inspired, I ... Read More

2010 – A Look Back

2010 – A Look Back

So the end of the year is coming up quick so I figured I would start on the obligatory year-end review.  A chance to look ... Read More

Monitor Uptime/Downtime of your Website/Blog for Free!

Monitor Uptime/Downtime of your Website/Blog for Free!

Here’s an interesting service Aaron Silber sent over to me.  It’s a great cloud service to monitor your Websites.  The first site you monitor is ... Read More

Cloud Computing : Email via Microsoft BPOS

Cloud Computing : Email via Microsoft BPOS

This month my company began switching over user email accounts to the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Standard Suite.  BPOS for short. Like most organizations, email ... Read More

Where are you storing your data?

Where are you storing your data?

With summer vacations, a renewed interest in taking (and sharing) photos, and a little more free time, I’ve started to revamp my personal website.  My ... Read More