Tag: Azure

Migrate Azure AD users to On-Premise Active Directory

Migrate Azure AD users to On-Premise Active Directory

If you have been experimenting with Azure AD or jumped in a while ago with O365 and Azure Active Directory and now want to migrate ... Read More

How to Deploy VMware UAG to Azure

How to Deploy VMware UAG to Azure

You've downloaded the Azure Unified Access Gateway Appliance from VMware, you've downloaded the UAG Powershell scripts along with it and all you are getting are ... Read More

How to enable JIT (Just in Time) VM Access in Microsoft Azure

How to enable JIT (Just in Time) VM Access in Microsoft Azure

If you have Virtual Machines running on the Internet with Public IPs, you should know they are exposed to attacks from evil-doers.  If you have ... Read More

Take your meetings to the next level with Office 365 and Webex integration

Take your meetings to the next level with Office 365 and Webex integration

I wasnā€™t always  a fan of Office in the Cloud (see how I felt 10 years ago it) but thankfully we kept pushing forward and ... Read More